It's never too late to start something new!
It’s never too late to start something new.
At 57 years old, I find myself in a whole new world. Taking on a business I never even thought of going into. Retail! Yes, I know that there’s a nasty rumor that retail is dying, but I’m not buying that (pun intended).
I pursued my love for fashion and small business and bought my favorite local boutique, WEST, in Westport, Connecticut. 🎉😍
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to shop online as much as anyone, but I also love shopping in small curated boutiques and discovering new brands that aren't readily available. And that's exactly what WEST is. A clothing and accessories gem, in my town, where, you can find many other local people (women in particular) supporting and running small businesses of all kinds. Retail is changing, but not dying. And I believe it is individuals, like myself, who, because of our passion, will help it thrive.
I had a role model (my mother) who taught me to embrace every moment of every day. To always listen to my heart ❤️; to be willing to try something new, even if it scared me; to think outside the box and most importantly, to love myself and be kind to ALL. 😍 THANK YOU MOM 😘#LessonsLearned and #NotForgotten #KindnessIsAlwaysInStyle
So here I am, learning something new. About business. About my community. About others. About MYSELF. Another new chapter to experience! 🤗 And isn't that what life is all about! I believe it is.
“The river is constantly turning and you never know where it’s going to go or where you’ll end up...” ~ Eartha Kitt (my mom ☺️)
#womeninspiringwomen #KittShapiro #mothersanddaughters #legacy #MyMotherWasMyRoleModel #nevertoolatetostart #blessed #wordsofwisdom #womenowned #momlessons #westportmeansbusiness #retailtrends #smallbusinesslove
Curated Fashion With A West Coast Vibe